Welcome to the broader things, my new technical/development blog!

I frankly haven’t blogged in many years, with my personal blog the smaller things gathering dust for about 4 years now. I’m older and (perhaps) wiser, and my intentions here are to share as much as I can of the work I am doing that is relevant to others, roughly as I do it.

Since the start of the pandemic, I’ve been fully self-employed via my company, datryllic. I specialize in open source software development for scaling up alchemical free energy calculations to improve how we do drug discovery, but my interests extend beyond this. Over the long term I aim to expand my knowledge on materials modeling, and expand my work to energy and space applications.

I’ve been an open source zealot since I was a teenager, and I still believe that open source development is the best way to advance our practices and evolve entire fields. This blog will feature much of the technical work I do to this end.

~ david